Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Monday

Chillin' in New Hampshire has a whole new ring to it during the winter. It was a warmish day but the cold is returning.

I believe that blog are suppose to be an account of ones day or certain goings on in one's life. My life is somewhat upside down and a little inside out. For example, my job will be ending on August 31st. Unlike a lot of people I have some time to figure things out. Although, there is this rather large cloud hanging over me about the idea of not having a job. Sure, I could possibly go back to school. Maybe I could be a bartender again. I really have no idea.

In a lot of ways, this is somewhat exciting for me. I have no idea what the fall will look like for me and in some ways it feels very liberating. In the real world, I am somewhat nervous. No definite pay check, no health insurance, no dental insurance, and no camp. In the not so real world, I have options and multiple paths I could follow.

One constant in my life is my Sweetie. I love her. Things have not necessarily been easy for us but I hope she knows I am there for her. I will do what I can. It is my hope that we will have our family.

That's all that I have tonight. I am working on long range plans. No set plans yet.


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